

Mar 15, 2024

Jamie Dimon Confused 🪙🆔😭


Jamie Dimon Confused 🪙🆔😭 Valko

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Bitcoin surpasses gold in investor portfolio allocation, says JPMorgan

⌐◪-◪ → JPMorgan is giving some seriously mixed signals with regards to Bitcoin. Check out these drastically different headlines from JPMorgan last week vs. this week.

Last week → It’s unrealistic to expect BTC to match gold allocations
This week → Bitcoin surpasses gold in investor portfolio allocation

On top of this, JPMorgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon has been roasting Bitcoin with every opportunity he gets, but also more recently said he will defend people’s right to buy Bitcoin.

I’m not sure what to make of this, but it’s starting to feel like JPMorgan is backpedaling on its anti-Bitcoin stance. Meanwhile, pro-Bitcoin BlackRock is killing it with their $IBIT ETF.

Adapt or die.

Let me know what you think in Specs Chat!

Judge rules that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto

⌐◪-◪ → The infamous COPA trial has finally come to an end.

A judge in the UK High Court ruled that Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin — stating that “the evidence is overwhelming”.

The trial lasted six weeks, led by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), but the broader controversy/claim has been going on for 8 years.

Craig Wright fabricated evidence to support false claims and tried to assert copyright claims over the Bitcoin whitepaper — something the real Satoshi would obviously never do.

Anyway, back to having absolutely zero idea who Satoshi is.

Bonus: Beanie’s theory on who Satoshi actually is.

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Democratic Senators urge Gary Gensler to block future crypto ETFs

⌐◪-◪ → The success of the spot Bitcoin ETFs has ruffled some feathers on the Hill as Democratic Senators Reed & Butler urge Gary Gensler to deny any future crypto ETFs.

More specifically, the letter requests that Gary Gensler:
- say no to further ETFs for other tokens
- make life difficult for brokers/advisors recommending BTC ETFs

It feels like these Senators don’t realize that Gensler didn’t magically approve the BTC ETFs, but was compelled to do so in a court of law.

The spot Bitcoin ETFs are perfectly legal.

These Senators are more than welcome to try and change the law with a majority vote if they’re serious about stopping future crypto ETFs, but sending crybaby letters to Gary Gensler is futile.

Pathetic political theatre.

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